Something To Drink Please


Today while I was having a shower, I heard my younger daughter yelling from far away in the house. She: “Momaaaay!” Me: ‘Yes!’ (Of course I’m equally yelling back!) She: “Where are you? In the bathroom?” Me: ‘Yes!’ She finally enters the bathroom (where I am getting myself cleaned up in privacy, right?) She: “May … Read more

It’s Loud To You…


My three children love to watch TV. (Oh, how strange…😉). But when they get into their favourite Christian music (like Yancy, Listener Kids, The Rizers, The God Rocks…), they tend to turn up the volume. Like really loudly. And it’s a bit uncomfortable for me🙋🏾‍♀️. So today, when I asked my older daughter to turn … Read more

We Will Very Pray!


Dad: OK guys. I’m leaving now. Bye! The children: (With much loudness and chaos) Bye, daddy! Have a safe trip! We will pray, pray, pray for you! We will VERY pray for you! Hands up if you need someone to VERY pray for you🙋🏾‍♀️😆! Check out more unforgettable things my children have said! And there’s … Read more

Bathtime Battles!


If my three children do not get to bathe in a giant bath or semi-pool or half drum or outside in the rain, the announcement of bath time is met with severe resistance.  For example: Me: Hey guys, it’s time to bathe! My children: To go where? Apparently the only acceptable reason and motivation for … Read more

Clarendon is Lean!


Here’s a story about my oldest daughter. Oh, the pain! I have given birth to three children. My first child was born by natural delivery; the following two were delivered by C-sections; all arrived through inexplicable pain.  After my natural delivery, my nurse asked me how it was. I told her I didn’t wish it … Read more

What the Bible Says…


I was just near enough to overhear my two daughters having a quiet argument.  Younger daughter: “But the Bible says SHARE!” Older daughter: “But the Bible says PATIENCE!” I’m not sure what the object in question was…🤷🏽‍♀️😂. It was interesting to hear them battle from a biblical perspective. I’m impressed that they were using what … Read more

But I Asked God!


I had just put my 5-year old son on a mini “grounding” for something he had done wrong.  To my surprise, a few minutes later I saw him outside playing with his sisters. Me: “What are you doing outside?! Did you ask my permission?!” My son: “But I asked God!” Me: “BUT YOU NEED TO … Read more