I first started this family blog as a way to record and share the interesting things my children tend to say.
It has become an online collection of photos (including artwork), inspirational stories, and even our own YouTube channel!
But the original purpose remains: I get to spread the joy and laughter of my children’s fun and witty words!
So as we have started a new year, I thought it fit to recap the top 5 most interesting things my children said in 2022!
1. “But I asked God!”
This statement has been etched in my memory. It’s what my son said after he disobeyed my grounding rules. I had punished him by having him stay indoors for a little while, but a few minutes later, he was outdoors playing with his sisters. When I asked him if he had gotten my permission, he said he had asked God😒😆.
2. “Mommy, I want you to have 11 children.”
This is another unforgettable quote from my son. One day he suddenly felt inspired to ask me for more brothers and sisters. Shocking request, don’t you think?Since then, I often use their times of disobedience to point out that I could not handle their behaviour multiplied by four😬!
3. “Can Jesus pay that all?”
My very intelligent oldest daughter was quick to point out my folly last Christmas. We were on our way to a supermarket with my parents when my mom realised she had left her money. Jokingly, I began singing “Jesus paid it all…”
That’s when my brilliant oldest daughter turned around and asked:
“But mommy, can Jesus pay THAT all?”
Imagine my shame as I was corrected by my mentally sharp child. Of course Jesus dying on the cross is for our sins, not to pay our supermarket bills🤣. He didn’t pay for THAT!
4. “We will very pray for you!”
I love to hear my children pray. So it was touching to hear them say goodbye to their faithet one morning. They were trying to tell their dad how hard they would be praying for him as he left home. So in their own loving and childlike words, they promised to VERY pray for him! How sweet🤗.
5. “Clarendon is lean!”
When my oldest daughter kept on having accidents, she didn’t think it was her fault. No! If you are always spilling juice on your clothes, it might be that the whole land isn’t level. So, she complained that each time she comes to Clarendon (a parish in Jamaica where we have relatives), that’s when spills happen. Conclusion: Clarendon is LEAN🤣!
I hope you enjoyed these fun things my children said in 2022. Which one was your favourite🤔?
Let me know in the comments!
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